Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Although I deny it in my mind...I really miss him... He's out of town for the week and I am really noticing it and bah...I miss him!

I am trying to hold back my feelings cause I don't want to be hurt again, but I really am starting to like this guy, i'll refer to him as "J". "J" is a new guy I have been seeing and he is a great guy from what I am learning. I want to like him so much more, but I am afraid of getting my feelings hurt. After my last relationship, I kind of built that wall back up again. I would give guys a try, but none of them would worth it to break the wall down again.

J is different, I really hope he keeps proving it. We'll see how things pan out. We've been seeing each other for about a month now. It is just dating, no relationship, but we'll see. I mean, not like I am seeing anyone else right now, but I dunno...again, we'll see. That seems to be my response to things lately.

Wow...just realized it has been ages since I last posted! Oh well, only school, work and J going on in my life momentarily. Oh, I did go to the land of Mickey Mouse last week...I love releasing my inner 5 year old :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I give up

Why did I even try...apparently I have no game, lol! But honestly, I am probably jumping to conclusions, but I rather suppress my emotions now while I have the energy. Who knows, I am probably over analyzing like usual, but at the same time...I don't know, haha!

Whatever, it is good I don't have someone to distract me because I need to focus on MY life momentarily.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


So excited about it! I have friends coming into town and it is going to be a blast...just need to get through work tomorrow!

I was thinking about how AGAIN, I don't have anyone to kiss at midnight this year. But then I think about it, not like I can anyway cause I am still getting over my yucky sicky coughy :( Oh well, kisses on the cheek don't hurt, right?

Happy New Years to Everyone! Be safe and have fun :)

Friday, December 5, 2008

List of things to do:

- Actually send out the Christmas cards I never sent out from last year
- Study for finals
- Work on Recipe Book for work
- Start back up going to the gym
- Start dating again...3 1/2 months is a long enough moratorium, haha
- Clean my apt from head to toe
- Christmas Shop!
- Laundry
- Actually cook the food I have in my fridge instead of ordering out, haha

There is more, but I need to shower and hit the sack....opening tomorrow, blegh!

Until Next Time!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lacking motivation..

The semester is almost OVER! You would think I would gather what energy I had left and push through...full steam ahead! But man, I am just so exhausted! Between work, school, projects and papers - all I seem to want to do is sleep or relax by cooking copious amounts of yummy food, which I end up throwing out some. That is cause I end up getting sick of it by day three, blah.

Also knowing that Thanksgiving is two days away and the semester ends in two weeks, my mind is on a frenzy! I am just anxious to get back to my parents' house for a couple of days and just be...that's it, just "be".

I really should be writing a simulation paper for my wine class, but yet motivation. Although, I am sure my ass will be kicked into gear soon - my goal is to be finished tonight.

You are probably wondering how everything else is going. So far, not too bad - can't really complain. Excited about the holiday break around the corner, but also at the same time EVERYONE is leaving Orlando, while my sorry ass is here working itself off. By the way, since I last updated, I am in limbo of what to do with my job. Do I stay or leave and start my new job at the restaurant? Which is going to be beneficial for my career??

Sigh...I hate growing up sometimes. I miss the days of just deciding who's house I am going to play at, or deciding what to wear on my first day of school. Those decisions were all based on the present. Now, the decisions I make have an affect on my future - both in my personal and professional life. GAH! I wish someone could make the decision for me, but I know in the end I have to decide. Oh the joys of growing up!

Side note: Even though it is still a year away, I am so excited about my friend Ashlie's wedding! She is one of my dear friends back in Providence and she is getting married next December! I can't wait to book my ticket to Vermont, as well as helping her with her wedding cake :) Tag teaming it! Wow...lots of exclamation points, but they were sincerely used.

Hmm...I guess that is it for now. Hopefully next time I update, I will be on my holiday break and working like a mad woman.

Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! Remember to be thankful for what you have in your life, and no I am not talking materialistically. Because there is someone else out there who may not be as fortunate as you are.

Until next time...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Exciting new things!

For once, a positive and exciting posting :)

First off....Today is Election Day! GO VOTE! Vote for whomever, but if you don't vote, you don't have a right to bitch!

Lots of new things have been going on in the past couple of weeks, which keeps my life slightly exciting...or at least interesting for the most part.

First, I just moved into my new apt. Albeit that it is only a couple buildings down from my old one, my current apartment is much more cozy! My room is slightly smaller (I think because the ceilings are lower), but at least now my bathroom is attached to my room. Only time I actually have to leave my room is to eat - and we all know I love to eat! Foodie at heart - what else can I say?

Second, I got a new job. Yes, yes - I know I said this back in August that I had a new job, but now I have another one. This job is much closer (i.e. 5 minutes down the road) and it will not be so physically demanding. Don't get me wrong! I LOVE being in the kitchen, but I think I would be more happy working the line in a restaurant making and plating desserts versus working in a store where they make only one product. Yes, they do make many variations of their product, but it is still one product in my eyes. So in other words, I'll be trying my hand at FOH - I have already started training myself on using other words, in place of profanity!

Downside to this new job is that they are still in the construction phase and start date got pushed to the 12th of December - more than a month after my initial start date. Apparently, they are six weeks behind schedule in construction. It's all good though because the finished space is going to be AMAZING! I will be working in a restaurant that will be two floors, thousands of square feet and it was just be absolutely gorgeous - as far as the plans I have been fortunate to see :) Due to the push in starting date, I am actually going back to my old job for the next month. I could say that I could go for a month without working, but HELL NO! Not with the holidays a comin' and bills a girl has got to pay! It is probably good I am going back for a bit cause I know they have been in a slump and they could use the extra help in the kitchen.

Everything else in my life is going alright. I really cannot complain - I think I would say I am actually content with my life. Although there may be some aspects of it that are lacking, I am getting through it....I just have my moments where I fill in those lacking aspects by indulging in a pack of Oreos or that sinful Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate from Starbucks - mmm.... BUT at least I can say that I have lost weight :) I dropped below a certain number I didn't think was possible. I just hope I can continue, or at least maintain...and during the holidays, that will be so hard!

I better stop procrastinating now and finish this spreadsheet I am working on, BUT I hope everyone had a fabulous Halloween Weekend! I spent mine back in Jacksonville with the family and some friends. I threw on my butterfly wings from a previous Halloween, handed candy out and carved pumpkins - I call that my cup of tea :)

Until next time!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I really need to stop...

but he is still on my mind...even if I try to "forget about him", too many things around me remind me of him. Sadly enough, I miss him...goodness I am lame, lol!

Maybe I should have had them schedule me for today...this is what happens when I actually get a free moment to think!

/end rant...

Until Next Time

Oh and btw...start my new job n FOH in two weeks! I am actually going to miss BOH, but this should hopefully be a good experience to add to my resume *fingers crossed*.